"There is far more evidence that group meditation can turn off war like a light switch, than there is evidence that aspirin reduces headaches; it's a scientific fact!"
-John Hagelin PhD - Harvard University, Director of the Institute of Science,Technology and Public Policy, USA
"We actually have a technology of peace. We can create peace in the world. It's just a matter of support to bring groups together sufficiently large to create this influence"
-Craig Pearson PhD - Vice President, Maharishi University of Managment, USA
Sign up for this amazing adventure and receive 3 FREE powerful meditations!
By fully participating in this adventure, you will become a CONDUIT OF PEACE FOR THE COLLECTIVE and in the process, you will undergo a beautiful transformation where you will EXPERIENTIALLY understand the concept that WE ARE ALL ONE!
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Transformational Meditation Program
Integrating Leading Edge - Hemispheric Brainwave Synchronization - Technology©

This meditation is designed to guide you to a place of oneness, inner peace and belonging - to open you to the fact that the illusion that our spirit and consciousness exists within our body, is just an awareness we have created as a result of the perspective from where we have been taught to see this reality; to the fact that our spirit does not literally inhabit our body, but our body and physical reality is but an extension of the beingness that we are, of the consciousness that we are.
You will be guided to the understanding that everything is a reflection of you and all the characters, all the different personalities that appear as separate beings in your life, are all truly simply different aspects of the totality of who you are. You will be invited to make peace with the different relationships in your life and learn to share this world, rooted from a place of love and joy instead of judgment and fear; the fact that if you want to change anything in your reality, you first have to change yourself.
Through compassion and forgiveness, you will be guided to the experiential understanding that duality has been an essential element in our development as spirits having a human experience, but we cannot have true harmony and peace, if we don't learn to accept and validate all points of view, all ways of being; everything in our reality. We are not only ONE with everything that surrounds us, but everything comes from the same single source. Darkness is simply a lack of light.
This meditation is all about world peace, the joy of creation and the understanding that we are all here on Earth, sharing this amazing adventure, where every concept, object, situation, relationship and interaction, is all the same one thing, manifesting from all the different points of view that oneness can manifest. An invitation to acquire the knowingness that we will never achieve peace and true harmony until we have the strength of each of the individual components to support the whole.
Gloria Pedraza
Bogota, Colombia
"It quieted my mind into a very peaceful state where I felt one with the universe. I finally understood the power of meditation."

Charlote Roost
Copenhagen, Denmark
"I'm totally transformed in my being, in my heart and I really love being here on Earth, doing your work - Thank you so, so, so much!"
David Cooper
Coffs Harbour, Australia
"Best meditation program EVER! I have been in many very good meditations previously, though yours are the BEST!"
Nura Andi Mascarenas
Denver, Colorado
"Deeply compassionate, I felt passion for the Beloved, I felt our true heart extend SO much love; felt a warm blanket enfolding around my being and a settling in instantly! I felt empowered to trust more deeply to open even wider to be penetrated by LOVE!"
Sasa Escobar
Miami, Usa
"I'm gaining new personal and powerful insights, feel more loving and peaceful toward the world in general. I also see the circumstances around me with more clarity, everything seems easier. Thank you for this experience."
Sign up for this amazing adventure and receive 3 FREE powerful meditations!
By fully participating in this adventure, you will become a CONDUIT OF PEACE FOR THE COLLECTIVE and in the process, you will undergo a beautiful transformation where you will EXPERIENTIALLY understand the concept that WE ARE ALL ONE!
We will never sell, rent, give, or divulge your email information to ANYONE, period! Unsubscribe at any time.